Thursday, October 31, 2019

Literacy Narrative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Literacy Narrative - Essay Example Out of the blues, or perhaps I supposed, I said, â€Å"mum banana kitchen.† Dad looked at me for a long time with a smiling face, then, as was our tradition whenever I got anything right, he gave a pat, and sent me to the car. This time, I did not find the usual candy he had for me, but a large toy of a learning kit comprising a book and a doll with prerecorded manes of different names for the various animals, trees, types of food, types of houses, professions, cars, among others. This became the darling of my days that I spent at home, listening and repeating what the doll said. Before I knew, I knew most of the animals, insects, houses, foods, cars and professions. I could differentiate between a car and a lorry, a bicycle from a motorcycle, a train from a train, a mango from a banana, among others. Father one day told me, â€Å"I will take you to a school where you would learn to speak and write too.† That was my biggest joy, knowing that I could speak as fluently and comfortably as the reporters. By the time I was of school age, I could grasp a few sentences said on television, especially by actors of local programs. The idea that school would give me the opportunity to learn reading and writing, in addition to speaking like the people on television overwhelmed me. I was so eager to start school that I started assuming my dad being the real teacher and our living room the classroom. â€Å"It is an interesting place, you will find other children like you, they will be fun and a teacher who will teach you all you want to know,† dad told me, increasing my curiosity. Now I was alert more than ever. Walking into my classroom for the first time, looking tiny but confident was more than jubilation for me. With father and mother by my side, and after taking a photo beside our car, they escorted me to office. Dad went to the senior office, and later emerged with a nicely dressed man, sharp looking and nicely dressed. Although he was in a

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