Saturday, March 21, 2020
Aztecs essays
Aztecs essays Around the early 13th century the Aztecs left their homes in Atzlan and started wandering through the Valley of Mexico. Living as mostly gathers in a migratory lifesyle, the Aztecs struggled to survive. They were eventually enslaved by another tribe. The Aztecs were, at this time, poor scruffy people, who were enen know to consume vermin, snakes and stolen food. They were rejected by mostly all of the surounding tribes. Basically they spent most of their time migrating from one place to another. Early in the 14th century, approximately 1325, Tenoch, their cheiftain, had a vision where, Huitzilopochtli appeared and told him to lead his people to a swampy island in the center of Lake Texcoco. The Aztecs belived that Huitzilopochtli, their "war god" was their protector and helped them search for the promised land. The Aztecs practiced out of a book known as the Tira de la Peregrinacion, also called the Migration Scrolls. After reaching the island in the cener of Lake Texcoco, the Aztecs saw an eagle on the top of a cactus. They took this as a sign that this was where they were supposed to build their city. Their city was called Tenochtitlan, also know as the city of Tenoch. At first life in thier new city was difficult for the Aztecs due to thier new, undesirable location. The city was located in a swampy marsh in the middle of an island, making the recources that the Aztecs new how to use extremely limited. At first the Aztecs just built mud huts to live in and a few small temples. They farmed by intaking an agricultural system called the Chinampas, which eventully made the land fertile and highly productive. The Aztecs also used fishing, hunting, and gathering techniques. The Valley rivers were filled with fish, insects, tadpoles, shrimp, and this extremely odd naturally occuring pasta called, ahuatle. The Aztecs also hunted wild turkey, rabbits, snakes, armadillos and deer. The civilization continously c...
Thursday, March 5, 2020
The Irregular French Verb Apprendre
The Irregular French Verb Apprendre Apprendre, which commonly means to learn, is a frequently used irregular French -re verb. Irregular verbs do not follow regular conjugation patterns, but some verbs within an irregular verb group can share a conjugation pattern with at least one other verb. There are patterns for irregular French -re verbs, and the irregular verb apprendre is in one of those groups. All verbs like apprendre that end in -prendre are conjugated the same way. The verbs in this group drop the d in all three plural forms and take a double n in the third person plural form. Verbs Ending in -prendre All French verbs that end in -prendre are conjugated the same way as apprendre and prendre: apprendre  to learncomprendre  to understandentreprendre  to undertakemà ©prendre  to mistakeprendre  to takereprendre  to retake, take againsurprendre  to surprise Apprendre: Meanings and Uses In use, apprendre means to learn. The pronominal sapprendre, means to be learned, as in: Le style, à §a ne sapprend pas. Style cant be learned. Apprendre can also mean to tell, as in:Apprendre quelque chose quelquun to teach something to somebody And to hear, as in:Quest-ce que japprends, vous dà ©missionnez ? Whats this I hear about you resigning? Apprendre: Idiomatic Expressions On en apprend tous les jours ! You can learn something new every day.Tiens, tiens, on en apprend des choses ! Whod have thought such a thing!Napprend pas un vieux singe faire la grimace. ( proverb)  Dont teach an old dog new tricks.Ça lui apprendra ! Thatll teach him!Apprendre quelque chose par cÅ“ur learn something by heart/ by roteApprendre à ªtre patient to learn patienceOn apprend tout à ¢ge. Its never too late to learn.Apprendre lentement/vite to be a slow / fast learner Simple Conjugations of the Irregular French Verb Apprendre Present Future Imperfect Present participle j apprends apprendrai apprenais apprenant tu apprends apprendras apprenais il apprend apprendra apprenait nous apprenons apprendrons apprenions vous apprenez apprendrez appreniez ils apprennent apprendront apprenaient Pass compos Auxiliary verb avoir Past participle appris Subjunctive Conditional Pass simple Imperfect subjunctive j apprenne apprendrais appris apprisse tu apprennes apprendrais appris apprisses il apprenne apprendrait apprit apprit nous apprenions apprendrions apprimes apprissions vous appreniez apprendriez apprites apprissiez ils apprennent apprendraient apprissent Imperative tu apprends nous apprenons vous apprenez
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