Tuesday, December 24, 2019
China Saper Threat - 777 Words
Weak USA Cyber Policy vs China’s Security Threat to the USA? Abstract A cyber spy network based mainly in China hacked into classified documents from government and private organizations. One of the biggest questions still remains unanswered. Should the U.S. Congress conduct an in depth assessment of Chinese cyber spying and consider imposing tougher penalties on companies that benefit from industrial espionage. In this paper I will review china’s cyber threat and possible USA solutions to protect against the threat. Could Weak USA Cyber Policy be the cause of China’s Security Threat? U.S. corporations and cyber security specialists have reported an daily attack of computer network intrusions originating from China. Of†¦show more content†¦cyber policy has embraced this idea. â€Å"The Plan declared that in order for it to succeed, government and the private sector must work together in a partnership. However since the regulation has been in place it has failed to provide the security necessary to protect U.S. critical infrastructure from a cyber attack. Even Congress has been slow to act regarding almost all aspects of cyber policy (Wolf, J. 12 July, 2012).†One of the problems facing a comprehensive cyber security bill is that computers have become so omnipresent in our daily lives that they cross every sector of the economy. It is not surprising that application of the laws of war to cyber attacks has recently been a popular topic in politics. Some have even analyzed whether a cyber attack can constitute an armed attack, it can but, whether a cyber attack with a specified effect constitutes a use of force. An example, if the U.S. could prove that Iran absolute sent a computer virus that infected a Wall Street, would dropping a bomb on Iran be justify? A responsible nation must always consider the possibilities of collateral damage in deciding whether an act of self defense is justified, be it cyber or kinetic. While the United States must undoubtedly increase its cyber defense capabilities, the nation cannot retreat behind a Line of firewalls. As in the fight against terrorism, the United States must be vigilant and aggressive in the face of both cyber attacks and
Monday, December 16, 2019
Technology is a major problem in society Free Essays
We are living in a generation that we can’t complete our day without using technology, A generation of the beginning of the new world order, That have started to become a major problem in our society and effects the way we live. On the one hand, It makes as unsociable in the real life; Since the beginning of technology, When Computers and video games consoles were invented people started to spent more time in their houses playing virtual games and virtual activities that has started to make them unsociable in the real life and isolated from the outside activities, And that creates new diseases and disorder such as laziness and a loss of personality. Second of all, People Started using technology to chat with their friends and beloved once instead of talking to them personally, and that has started to affect our way to communicate with each other’s. We will write a custom essay sample on Technology is a major problem in society or any similar topic only for you Order Now Furthermore, People has started to use technology for online shopping, Paying the bills, and its good it saves time and effort but there is disadvantages of it, people used to go shopping and meet new people why doing it and now the technology Is taking over. On the second hand, People started to lose their Jobs to machines that will do the work for them; nowadays people have been replaced by machines to the Job for example; the train ticket guy has been replaced for a machine to do the Job, tell then unemployment rate has Increased. Second of all, based on the American police department, machine robbery has been Increased since 1990 till now, because It Is easy to rob. On the other hand, technology has made as over dependent on our gadgets; technology had made as over dependent on our gadgets that we cannot not to check on our smartness every minute, we depend on It In everything for example; Navigation, Alarm, Calculator, Calendar. It Is good to have this technologies but what if the battery died? Or the phone got stolen? People will get lost In their life and will face hard time managing It. Second of all, the more people begin to depend on computers and other forms of technology for everyday existence. This means that when a machine breaks or a computer crashes, humans become almost disabled until the problem Is resolved. This kind of dependency on technology puts people at a distinct disadvantage, because they become less self-reliant. In conclusion, as we have seen above, nothing Is perfect. Everything can be dark or right; positive or negative. It depends on the way we deal with It, depending and using technology every day In our lives can cause a lot of problems as mentioned above, we Just have to find a way to use It less than before and not to depend on It. Technology is a major problem in society By Weeks-Shabby people why doing it and now the technology is taking over. Unemployment rate has increased. Second of all, based on the American police department, machine robbery has been increased since 1990 till now, because it is on our smartness every minute, we depend on it in everything for example; Navigation, Alarm, Calculator, Calendar. It is good to have this technologies but what if the battery died? Or the phone got stolen? People will get lost in their life and will face hard time managing it. Second of all, the more people begin to depend on until the problem is resolved. This kind of dependency on technology puts people at In conclusion, as we have seen above, nothing is perfect. Everything can be dark or bright; positive or negative. It depends on the way we deal with it, depending and using technology every day in our lives can cause a lot of problems as mentioned above, we Just have to find a way to use it less than before and not to depend on it. How to cite Technology is a major problem in society, Essays
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Persepolis reflective statement free essay sample
Having an interactive oral always improves my understanding of the cultural and contextual elements of the book, as it provides more aspects and points of view to consider and add to my own analysis of the book. Within this interactive oral, I feel as if I got more from the book, and had a better understanding of a lot of things. For example, one of my seminar questions were â€Å"How does religion define us as people and effect how we interact with others†. I expected, from my own analysis of the book, for people to answer and talk about how it can effect our physical appearance, cause discussions or heavy arguments / conversations. Instead, they touched up on some points in the book that I didnt think to look at as religiously effected things, such as religion creating isolation instead of union. For example, the separation of girls and boys, different ethnic groups, and other things that took place in the book. We will write a custom essay sample on Persepolis reflective statement or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Now, when I consider that being said, religion in a lot of cases does cause social hostility such as was, and revolutions. The hostility takes away from the actual revolutions main reason from happening;religion. Another understanding of an aspect of the book that was enhanced by the interactive oral was the archetype of Marji. Before the seminar, I would have said she the courageous, outspoken little girl who aspires to be so many things, and not really knowing where to go with herself, but ends up ultimately finding herself. But afterwards I realized, Marji just may be a character that is too complex to fit into one archetype. Shes too many different things in one character; a complex character. She plays the role of being a hero by wanting justice, equality, and aspiring to fix the world. While this is a good point, she is also the character that starts off one particular childish way, then ends up growing and maturing. Ultimately, my understanding of Persepolis was further improved following the interactive oral by intensifying my analysis of characters,themes, and furthermore.
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