Saturday, November 30, 2019
Take to the Stars. free essay sample
From the beginning, man has traveled. Searching for safety, for family, and for answers. Essentially, I am man, and I dream of traveling where no man has yet traversed. I hope to venture off into the vast reaches of space and find new worlds that I can call safe, new species that I call family, and new questions that need answers. The vast unknown needs exploring, and I aspire to be there when we begin to map out our universe in greater detail. To reach out and touch other civilizations changing life forever as we know it is wish. New worlds with new rules and mysterious life await, and although space travel is still a primitive technology to humankind, we have received our invitation to meet the rest of the universe. Earth’s flame had only flickered when we set foot on the moon, and now it is our obligation to begin lighting up the darkness. We will write a custom essay sample on Take to the Stars. or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However, I am not naive. As a man of reason I know that I cannot expect an opportunity as tremendous as this to expose itself out of the blue. So I suppose that, for now, searching for answers would complete my objective. Such an objective will require sacrifice, hard work, and unwavering dedication. I will need an opportunity from humanity before I can attain my ambitious dream. Opportunity’s like this one need to be earned, yet I know that deep within myself that I will feel the ever sweet suspension of weightless space. Without great advancements in space travel, such a goal is an enigmatic cloud to a puzzled ant, always in sight but out of reach nonetheless. To move past this dilemma, we will need to find answers. As simple as it sounds though, finding answers is not an easy task, because for every answer discovered, ten more questions rise from nowhere. Einstein once compared answering questions to an expanding circle. As our knowledge of the universe expands, so does the circle. However, as the circle grows so, so does the circumference continuously giving way to infinite possibilities and questions. With so many new questions asked everyday, answering them is imperative to the advancement of the human race. Reflecting back on what I have said, I suppose it would be appropriate to say that answering questions is not only my general objective, but it is also my duty to mankind. Every solved question will give way to new ones, forever securing a more enlightened future for all of mankind, and possibly for exoplanets across the cosmos. So unlike many, I look forward to a never ending loop of questions. For with each discovery we might just change the world and find someplace safe where we can be with family and always pursue the answers. With each new question decrypted, our flame is given fuel and our light shines brighter. No more living in the dark.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Take A Stand essays
Take A Stand essays Turtles are one of the earths most important species. Not only are they interesting creatures to observe but they act as a barometer or signal letting us know that the disappearance of turtles and small amphibians is a possible early sign of the trouble in our ecosystem. More and more species of turtles and other amphibians such as frogs are becoming extinct, while no one knows why. The Eastern Spiny Soft Shell turtle has a flat, almost circular upper shell that resembles a pancake and is often covered with leathery skin. Females have a green/tan camouflage pattern while males have dark spots. The bottom shell is pliable and small with usually a yellowish-cream colour. They have large webbed feet, a long neck, distinctive snorkel like snout and their smooth green skin is covered with yellow and black dots, lines and flecks. Soft Shell turtles are found in Southern Ontario and in South Western Quebec, in Lake Erie, and in the Ottawa, St. Lawrence, and Richelieu Rivers. They live in areas of sand and mud and in our area are most commonly found along the Thames River. The Eastern Spiny Soft shell turtle is at risk mostly because of the soft shell it has which makes it vulnerable to birds and small mammals that prey upon it. Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) representatives report that skunks have been known to drag turtles out of their hiding spots or homes by the tail and eat them. They are also marketed for human consumption in vast numbers because it is thought by many people that these turtles are a threat to game species of fish, even though this is not true. Because of the turtles pharangeal gill slits and cloaca, a chemical used to survey and kill unwanted fish called Rotenone is easily absorbed into their bodies. To help the Soft Shell turtle, some places have made laws that limit catching and catch seasons as well as size limitations. Although the Spi ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
4 Steps of Cardiac Conduction
4 Steps of Cardiac Conduction Have you ever wondered what causes your heart to beat? Your heart beats as a result of the generation and conduction of electrical impulses. Cardiac conduction is the rate at which the heart conducts electrical impulses. These impulses cause the heart to contract and then relax. The constant cycle of heart muscle contraction followed by relaxation causes blood to be pumped throughout the body. Cardiac conduction can be influenced by various factors including exercise, temperature, and endocrine system hormones. Step 1: Pacemaker Impulse Generation The first step of cardiac conduction is impulse generation. The sinoatrial (SA) node (also referred to as the pacemaker of the heart) contracts, generating nerve impulses that travel throughout the heart wall. This causes both atria to contract. The SA node is located in the upper wall of the right atrium. It is composed of nodal tissue that has characteristics of both muscle and nervous tissue. Step 2: AV Node Impulse Conduction The atrioventricular (AV) node lies on the right side of the partition that divides the atria, near the bottom of the right atrium. When the impulses from the SA node reach the AV node, they are delayed for about a tenth of a second. This delay allows atria to contract and empty their contents into the ventricles prior to ventricle contraction. Step 3: AV Bundle Impulse Conduction The impulses are then sent down the atrioventricular bundle. This bundle of fibers branches off into two bundles and the impulses are carried down the center of the heart to the left and right ventricles. Step 4: Purkinje Fibers Impulse Conduction At the base of the heart, the atrioventricular bundles start to divide further into Purkinje fibers. When the impulses reach these fibers they trigger the muscle fibers in the ventricles to contract. The right ventricle sends blood to the lungs via the pulmonary artery. The left ventricle pumps blood to the aorta. Cardiac Conduction and the Cardiac Cycle Cardiac conduction is the driving force behind the cardiac cycle. This cycle is the sequence of events that occur when the heart beats. During the diastole phase of the cardiac cycle, the atria and ventricles are relaxed and blood flows into the atria and ventricles. In the systole phase, the ventricles contract sending blood to the rest of the body. Cardiac Conduction System Disorders Disorders of the hearts conduction system can cause problems with the hearts ability to function effectively. These problems are typically the result of a blockage that diminishes the rate of speed at which impulses are conducted. Should this blockage occur in one of the two atrioventricular bundle branches that lead to the ventricles, one ventricle may contract more slowly than the other. Individuals with bundle branch block typically dont experience any symptoms, but this issue can be detected with an electrocardiogram (ECG). A more serious condition, known as heart block, involves the impairment or blockage of electrical signal transmissions between the hearts atria and ventricles. Heart block electrical disorders range from first to third degree and are accompanied by symptoms ranging from light-headedness and dizziness to palpitations and irregular heartbeats.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Business Plane PowerPoint Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Business Plane - PowerPoint Presentation Example The objective of the business is to increase the level of profitability by providing food at an affordable rate for every individual in SE London. This is possible by striving hard and becoming well known in the food market. The proposed business intends to target the young audience and the low income people who have the willingness to buy fruits. Moreover, a proper development in the field of logistics might help the business to gain a market presence and be competitive. To increase the sales, the various marketing strategies such as coupons and discounts will be provided to enhance financial gains in the upcoming future. Furthermore the financial requirement for the proposed business is estimated to be  £2 million in order to set up and execute its business operations. The estimated funds can be initiated from the private investors as well as High St. Banks in order to execute the finances and the supply chain in a proper manner for long-term sustainability of the business. The b usiness is primarily initiated to reduce the waste and earn profit by managing the fruits properly in the supply chain and marketing. Thus, the proposed business is useful to reduce the waste and increase the profit through the ugly fruits and vegetables sale by using low pricing strategy (The State of Queensland, 2013). The State of Queensland, 2013. Organizational Structure. Corporate Profile. [Online] Available at: [Accessed January 16,
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Mini-Project (Third) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Mini-Project (Third) - Essay Example This made Cashman â€Å"forced to scramble for an additional line of credit in project financing at prime plus 2-1/2%†, which was an excessive premium (due to Woody’s credit rating). Proper budgeting would have avoided the ‘fire fighting’ mode they had to resort to when they found themselves â€Å"throwing money at every problem in an effort to get the plant operational†. The project failures concerning financial planning, cash flow, cost control, costs incurred etc. are listed in section two. Recommendations are then given on how this should have been conducted properly so that the mistakes could have been avoided. Kim Cashman’s cash flow chart was improperly drafted. The amount of expenditure was only assumed i.e.  £1 million each in first and last months and  £1.4 million in each intervening 10 months. Secondly, the chart was locked away and the details were not divulged to the people concerned. The costs associated with the project were recorded as part of the company’s normal book-keeping whereas it should have been kept separate not least because the costs could be easily identified and controlled. EID’s initial fixed-price quotation was not deliberated upon. It could have been a more economical option than allowing the cost plus alternative that EID implemented with a high level of uncertainty. Moneysworth did not justify why he thought that the hourly rate was reasonable. He also thought that the hours could be monitored effectively but this proved not to be the case. The hourly rate was perhaps the largest contributor to the spiralling costs. Changes in project planning led to costs becoming uncontrollable and some of these were major. For example, software for the production train had to be rewritten and the building could not house the production train. The lack of schedule planning not only wasted time and caused delays but also resulted in the loss of income. For example, the several weeks that were lost in
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Young Man Has Changed Essay Example for Free
The Young Man Has Changed Essay As I was stabbing out the cigarette with my foot I was standing leaning against the dusty black wall, which was blocking the view of the railways. Next to me was my best friend Salim who was carefully watching me and then imitating every minute movement and action. To some extent without boasting I was the leader and Salim was the follower. Just then a young girl wearing a tight body top and a short silky black mini skirt was walking past us and Salim was beginning to whistle at her. As she was disappearing into the main road we were both sniggering loudly. By the reflection on the glass door that had a varnished wooden border I was seeing myself holding a mobile phone, wearing a brand new pair of Reebok trainers, Georgio Armani jeans, and the latest v-neck GAP jumper. In my pocket I was carrying at least fifty pounds that I had made on the streets by doing a few dodgy deals. But even though having all this, deep inside I was feeling no peace, no buzz as if something was missing. Living the life of Islam was the answer to all my difficulties. At the time I knew this but I still could not do it as it was asking me to leave all the things I loved and this was including girls and music. However the weakness which was making me follow my desires and not the way of Allah did at last leave my life. It was one cold summers evening when I was sitting in an alley with a gang of friends planning which club to go to that night. All of a sudden everyone flickered their eyes at the muddy and dirty entrance. There two youngsters with glowing faces walked in. They wore pure white robes and Arabian caps. They greeted us in just the right way Safe boyz. The shorter brother told us that they came from Manchester and that they were here to remind the Muslims about their faith. Everyone including Asim who everyone called The Big Boss was silent and showed both of them lots of respect. The taller brother came in the centre of us and started to talk about Islam. As he said every word and every sentence, the idea that this world is only a test and the life after death is the real place for excitement became a strong feeling inside me. His voice was like a power flowing inside me making me feel peaceful. The things he said and the way he said them made me realize for sure that he had been through what I was going through. When he had finished talking and when both of them had left, all my friends had their eyes towards the floor and all of them were absolutely silent. But then one idiot had to lift his head and crack a joke. And guess what? All of them began to laugh! It was as if the devil snatched away the important advice from their hearts. I was really angry at their behaviour and straight away left them. As I was walking home that evening I was deciding it was time to change. Inside me was born a new feeling that I would be a failure in life unless I began to follow Islam fully. The following day was a big test for me as it was the day I was going to show my changed life to the world. I rolled my trousers up just above the ankle, as this was the teaching of the prophet Muhammad and wore a topi on my head. Like this I walked into school and in the playground everyone was so shocked to see me dressed in this way and their wide opened eyes were glued to me. Some girls when walking past me would look at me with a weird face as if I was some sort of alien. However those of my friends and other people who knew why I had changed were happy for me and were pushing me to carry on. At first when I would be around a lot of strangers and especially girls I would feel really shy but I was not allowing this to stop me from practising my religion because I had faith in Allah that He gives ease after every difficulty. Within a month, every thug on the street knew that I had changed and I was beginning to get respect from everybody in my area, youngsters and grown-ups. Even the people I did not know were greeting me. Now I was feeling a deep satisfaction and as if that something which was missing was found. At present I go to college which I find really different to school mainly because there are more girls around me and I have more freedom to do what I want to do. I feel that Allah is testing my faith in Him by testing me with these young girls. I need to crush my feelings towards them so that I do not get attracted to them and this is hard. But I am coping and when I see girls I try to look down and when I do this I feel as if a wave of ecstasy is swirling inside me and I believe this to be a reward from Allah for listening to Him. The thoughts that make me do this are the images of heaven and hell. They alarm me every time I am about to do something bad and so far these are my strongest motivators in life. Now death has become something I think about a lot. The other evening when I was coming back home from college I was waiting for a train on the Blackhorse Roads filthy platform and this was making me think that I am like a traveller in this world and soon I will leave it. When the train was coming and as it got nearer it stared at me with its beaming eyes and roared even louder and this was making me feel scared, as it was reminding me of the Angel of Death who takes away everyones life. On the same evening after reaching Woodgrange Park station, I was walking home using a different route and by chance I was passing the old, dusty, black wall and it was bringing back my shameful past. I whispered to myself, What an idiot you were. Topi is a hat worn by Muslims.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
New Telemarketers :: Internet Computers Technology Media Essays
New Telemarketers The other day, while doing what should have been a five-minute task, I was online searching for a web page. Because I am a horrible speller, and mostly because I was in a hurry, I typed in the wrong web address. Instead of, I got Instantly I was bombarded with fifty, yes I counted, fifty pop-up ads on my computer screen. As Internet users, I am sure that you know that these advertisements are not only annoying, but very frustrating when trying to get things done quickly. And they are, in this particular instance, confusing to both me and my computer. Ironically, or maybe a stroke of marketing genius, the very last pop-up was an ad for a free â€Å"pop-up killer†program that you could download. The ad worked because after â€Å"killing†all those ads, I found myself downloading the program to stop those annoying things. Then, I swore it worked because the next three times I went to there were no ads. (There was also no search engine, which took me a few more minutes to figure out why). Since then, I have become extremely annoyed with the program and removed it from my computer, but only after the program asked me another three times if I was sure I wanted to remove it or buy the profe ssional version. While even I will admit these ads and tactics seem like marketing gold, they also seem intruding and unethical. They may even lead to the demise of the Internet itself. And yes, I do realize that statement seems a bit extreme. Using the web as a communication medium is a good function of the World Wide Web. Communication mediums are one of the many functions that the web has to offer our society. But, these pop-up ads and other forms of irritating promotional tactics, such as spam, re-routing and faux error messages, are unethical. They are unethical because they â€Å"mislead users into displaying advertising; some are unethical because promoters are forcing advertising messages on people†(Farkas 110). And as you know and can tell from my experiences, they happen way too often. But how can these unethical practices hurt society and the Internet? Well, as Marshall McLuhan states, â€Å"like any other extension of man, typography had psychic and social consequences that suddenly shifted previous boundaries and patterns of culture†(McLuhan 233). In his chapter he implies that print and type lead to industrial revolution; the Internet can impact society just as greatly.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Human Behavior Essay
At the beginning of the film, Lorenzo (played by Noah Banks and also Zack O’Malley Greenburg) is a bright and vibrant young boy living in the Comoros Islands, as his father Augusto (played by Nick Nolte) works for the World Bank and is stationed there. However, when his parents relocate to the United States, he begins to show neurological problems, such as loss of hearing, tantrums, etc. The boy is diagnosed as having adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD), which is fatal within two years. Failing to find a doctor capable of treating their son’s rare disease, Augusto and his wife Michaela (Susan Sarandon) set out on a mission to find a treatment to save their child. In their quest, the Odones clash with doctors, scientists, and support groups, who are skeptical that anything could be done about ALD, much less by laypeople. But they persist, setting up camp in medical libraries, reviewing animal experiments, enlisting the aid of Professor Gus Nikolais (played by Peter Ustinov), badg ering researchers, questioning top doctors all over the world, and even organizing an international symposium about the disease. Despite research dead-ends, the horror of watching their son’s health decline, and being surrounded by skeptics (including the coordinators of the support group they attend), they persist until they finally hit upon a therapy involving adding a certain kind of oil (actually containing two specific long chain fatty acids, isolated from rapeseed [canola] oil and olive oil) to their son’s diet. They contact over 100 firms around the world until they find an elderly British chemist (Don Suddaby, who plays himself in a cameo role) working for Croda International who is willing to take on the challenge of distilling the proper formula. The oil, erucic acid, proves successful in normalizing the accumulation of the very long chain fatty acids in the brain that had been causing their son’s steady decline, thereby halting the progression of the disease. There is still a great deal of neurological damage remaining which could not be reversed unless new treatments could be found to regenerate the myelin sheath (a lipid insulator) around the nerves. The father is seen taking on the new challenge of organizing biomedical efforts to heal myelin damage in patients (see The Myelin Project). The film ends with Lorenzo at the age of 14 showing definite improvement (he could swallow for himself and answer yes or no questions by blinking) but indicating more medical research is still needed. The end credits of the film note that Lorenzo has also regained his sight and is learning to use a computer. Adrenoleukodystrophy Definition Adrenoleukodystrophy is a rare genetic disease characterized by a loss of myelin surrounding nerve cells in the brain and progressive adrenal gland dysfunction. Description Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) is a member of a group of diseases, leukodystrophies, that cause damage to the myelin sheath of nerve cells. Approximately one in 100,000 people is affected by ALD. There are three basic forms of ALD: childhood, adult-onset, and neonatal. The childhood form of the disease is the classical form and is the most severe. Childhood ALD is progressive and usually leads to total disability or death. It affects only boys because the genetic defect is sex-linked (carried on the X chromosome). Onset usually occurs between ages four and ten and can include many different symptoms, not all of which appear together. The most common symptoms are behavioral problems and poor memory. Other symptoms frequently seen are loss of vision, seizures, poorly articulated speech, difficulty swallowing, deafness, problems with gait and coordination, fatigue, increased skin pigmentation, and progressive dementia. The adult-onset form of the disease, also called adrenomyeloneuropathy, is milder, progresses slowly, is usually associated with a normal life span, and usually appears between ages 21-35. Symptoms may include progressive stiffness, weakness, or paralysis of the lower limbs and loss of coordination. Brain function deterioration may also been seen. Women who are carriers of the disease occasionally experience the same symptoms, as well as others, including ataxia, hypertonia (excessive muscle tone), mild peripheral neuropathy, and urinary problems. The neonatal form affects both male and female infants and may produce mental retardation, facial abnormalities, seizures, retinal degeneration, poor muscle tone, enlarged liver, and adrenal dysfunction. Neonatal ALD usually progresses rapidly. Causes and symptoms The genetic defect in ALD causes a decrease in the ability to degrade very long chain fatty acids. These build up in the adrenal glands, brain, plasma, and fibroblasts. The build-up of very long chain fatty acids interferes with the ability of the adrenal gland to convert cholesterol into steroids and causes demyelination of nerves in the white matter of the brain. Demyelinated nerve cells are unable to function properly. Diagnosis Diagnosis is made based on observed symptoms, a biochemical test, and a family history. The biochemical test detects elevated levels of very long chain fatty acids in samples from amniocentesis, chorionic villi, plasma, red blood cells, or fibroblasts. A family history may indicate the likelihood of ALD because the disease is carried on the X-chromosome by the female lineage of families. Biosynthesis (also called biogenesis or â€Å"anabolism†) is an enzyme-catalyzed process in cells of living organisms by which substrates are converted to more complex products.[1] The biosynthesis process often consists of several enzymatic steps in which the product of one step is used as substrate in the following step. Examples for such multi-step biosynthetic pathways are those for the production of blood clots,amino acids, fatty acids, and natural products.[2] Biosynthesis plays a major role in all cells, and many dedicated metabolic routes combined constitute general metabolism. Six organelles in the cell are involved in biosynthesis: ribosomes, chloroplasts, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, rough endoplasmic reticulum, plastids, and Golgi bodies. [3] Dementia (taken from Latin, originally meaning â€Å"madness†, from de- â€Å"without†+ ment, the root of mens â€Å"mind†) is a serious loss of global cognitive ability in a previously unimpaired person, beyond what might be expected from normal aging. It may be static, the result of a unique global brain injury, or progressive, resulting in long-term decline due to damage or disease in the body. Although dementia is far more common in the geriatric population (about 5% of those over 65 are said to be involved),[1] it can occur before the age of 65, in which case it is termed â€Å"early onset dementia†.[2] Dementia is not a single disease, but a non-specific syndrome (i.e., set of signs and symptoms). Affected cognitive areas can be memory, attention, language, and problem solving. Normally, symptoms must be present for at least six months to support a diagnosis.[3] Cognitive dysfunction of shorter duration is called delirium. Dysphagia is the medical term for the symptom of difficulty in swallowing.[1][2][3] Although classified under â€Å"symptoms and signs†in ICD-10,[4] the term is sometimes used as a condition in its own right.[5][6][7] Sufferers are sometimes unaware of their dysphagia. Spasticity is a feature of altered skeletal muscle performance in muscle tone involving hypertonia; it is also referred to as an unusual â€Å"tightness†, stiffness, or â€Å"pull†of muscles. The word spasm comes from the Greek word ÃÆ'ÀΠ±ÃÆ'ÃŽ ¼ÃÅ' (spasmos), meaning â€Å"drawing, pulling.†Clinically spasticity is defined as velocity dependent resistance to stretch, where a lack of inhibition results in excessive contraction of the muscles, ultimately leading to hyperflexia (overly flexed joints). It mostly occurs in disorders of the central nervous system (CNS) affecting the upper motor neuron in the form of a lesion, such as spastic diplegia, but it can also present in various types of multiple sclerosis, where it occurs as a symptom of the progressively-worsening attacks on myelin sheaths and is thus unrelated to the types of spasticity present in neuromuscular cerebral palsy rooted spasticity disorders. Definition A seizure happens when there are certain types of abnormal electrical activity in the brain. During a seizure, you may: *Lose consciousness * Stare into space * Have convulsions (abnormal jerking of the muscles) * Experience abnormalities of sensation or emotion
Saturday, November 9, 2019
A Survey of the Background and Development of English Literature from the Earliest Time to Eighteen Century
A Survey of the Background and Development of English Literature from the Earliest Time to Eighteen Century Contents 1. What is Literature? 2. Why the Knowledge of English Literature’s history is important 3. Distinct phases from Earliest to Modern Age 4. Brief survey of ages before Eighteen Century †¢ Anglo-Saxon period †¢ The Medieval period †¢ The Renaissance period †¢ The Puritan period †¢ The Restoration period 5. A panorama of Eighteen century †¢ General view of eighteen century †¢ Social aspects †¢ Religious aspects †¢ Characteristics of eighteen century †¢ Literary Critics of the age †¢ Chronology of the writers of the ageWhat is Literature? The production of written works, having excellence of form or expression and dealing with ideas of permanent interest is called literature. Literature is one of the Fine Arts like, †¢ Music †¢ Dance †¢ Painting †¢ Sculpture. As it is meant to give aesthetic pleasure rather than serve any utilitarian purpose. It consists of great writings which, what ever their subjects are , notable for literary form or expression. Life, Society and Nature are the subject matters of literature. There is an intimate connection between literature and life, which provides the raw material on which literature imposes an artistic form.Why the Knowledge of English Literature’s history is important? English literature is one of the richest literatures of the world, the literature of a great nation which has vitality, rich verity and continuity. As literature is the reflection of society, the various changes which have come about in English society, from the earliest to the modern times, have left their stamp on English literature thus in order to appreciate the true sense and taste of literature the knowledge of various phases of English literature, English society and political history of the land is essential.When we study the history of English lite rature from the earliest to modern times, we find that it has passed through certain definite phases, each having marked characteristics. These phases may be termed as â€Å"Ages†or â€Å"Periods†and divided into different section according to their characteristics. There are five ways to identify the different eras of English Literature. Distinct phases from Earliest to Modern Age: 1. Phases which are named after the Central Literary figures. †¢ Chaucer †¢ Shakespeare †¢ Milton †¢ Dryden †¢ Pope †¢ Johnson †¢ Wordsworth †¢ Tennyson †¢ Hardy : Periods named after the Rulers of the time. †¢ Elizabethan Age †¢ The Jacobean period †¢ The Age of Queen Anne †¢ The Victorian Age †¢ The Georgian Period 3: simple partitions named after literary movements †¢ Classical Age †¢ Romantic Age 4: While other after certain important historical eras as, †¢ Anglo-Saxon period †¢ The Medieval peri od †¢ The Renaissance period †¢ The Puritan period †¢ The Restoration period 5: Named by the span of Time †¢ The Seventeen Century Literature †¢ Eighteen Century Literature †¢ Nineteenth Century Literature †¢ Twentieth Century LiteratureBrief survey of ages before Eighteen Century: The Old English Period or the Anglo-Saxon Period refers to the literature produced from the invasion of Celtic England by Germanic tribes in the first half of the fifth century to the conquest of England in 1066 by William the Conqueror. During the Old English Period, written literature began to develop from oral tradition, and in the eighth century poetry written in the vernacular Anglo-Saxon (also known as Old English) appeared. One of the most well-known eighth century Old English pieces of literature is Beowulf, a great Germanic epic poem.Two poets of the Old English Period who wrote on biblical and religious themes was Caedmon and Cynewulf. The Middle English Period consists of the literature produced in the four and a half centuries between the Norman Conquest of 1066 and about 1500, when the standard literary language, derived from the dialect of the London area, became recognizable as â€Å"modern English. †Prior to the second half of the fourteenth century, vernacular literature consisted primarily of religious writings. The second half of the fourteenth century produced the first great age of secular literature.The most widely known of these writings are Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, the anonymous Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, and Thomas Malory's Morte d'Arthur. While the English Renaissance began with the ascent of the House of Tudor to the English throne in 1485, the English Literary Renaissance began with English humanists such as Sir Thomas More and Sir Thomas Wyatt. In addition, the English Literary Renaissance consists of four subsets: The Elizabethan Age, the Jacobean Age, the Caroline Age, and the Commonwealt h Period (which is also known as the Puritan Interregnum).The Elizabethan Age of English Literature coincides with the reign of Elizabeth I, 1558 – 1603. During this time, medieval tradition was blended with Renaissance optimism. Lyric poetry, prose, and drama were the major styles of literature that flowered during the Elizabethan Age. Some important writers of the Elizabethan Age include William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, Edmund Spenser, Sir Walter Raleigh, and Ben Jonson. The Jacobean Age of English Literature coincides with the reign of James I, 1603 – 1625.During this time the literature became sophisticated, somber, and conscious of social abuse and rivalry. The Jacobean Age produced rich prose and drama as well as the King James translation of the Bible. Shakespeare and Jonson wrote during the Jacobean Age, as well as John Donne, Francis Bacon, and Thomas Middleton. The Caroline Age of English Literature coincides with the reign of Charles I, 1625  œ 1649. The writers of this age wrote with refinement and elegance. This era produced a circle of poets known as the â€Å"Cavalier Poets†and the dramatists of this age were the last to write in the Elizabethan tradition.The Commonwealth Period, also known as the Puritan Interregnum, of English Literature includes the literature produced during the time of Puritan leader Oliver Cromwell. This period produced the political writings of John Milton, Thomas Hobbes' political treatise Leviathan, and the prose of Andrew Marvell. In September of 1642, the Puritans closed theatres on moral and religious grounds. For the next eighteen years the theatres remained closed, accounting for the lack of drama produced during this time period.The Neoclassical Period of English literature (1660 – 1785) was much influenced by contemporary French literature, which was in the midst of its greatest age. The literature of this time is known for its use of philosophy, reason, skepticism, wit , and refinement. The Neoclassical Period also marks the first great age of English literary criticism. Much like the English Literary Renaissance, the Neoclassical Period can be divided into three subsets: the Restoration, the Augustan Age, and the Age of Sensibility.The Restoration, 1660 – 1700, is marked by the restoration of the monarchy and the triumph of reason and tolerance over religious and political passion. The Restoration produced an abundance of prose and poetry and the distinctive comedy of manners known as Restoration comedy. It was during the Restoration that John Milton published Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained. Other major writers of the era include John Dryden, John Wilmot 2nd Earl of Rochester, and John Locke. The English Augustan Age derives its name from the brilliant literary period of Virgil and Ovid under the Roman emperor Augustus (27 B. C. – A.D. 14). In English literature, the Augustan Age, 1700 – 1745, refers to literature with t he predominant characteristics of refinement, clarity, elegance, and balance of judgment. Well-known writers of the Augustan Age include Jonathan Swift, Alexander Pope, and Daniel Defoe. A significant contribution of this time period included the release of the first English novels by Defoe, and the â€Å"novel of character,†Pamela, by Samuel Richardson in 1740. During the Age of Sensibility, literature reflected the worldview of Enlightenment and began to emphasize instinct and feeling, rather than judgment and restraint.A growing sympathy for the Middle Ages during the Age of Sensibility sparked an interest in medieval ballads and folk literature. Another name for this period is the Age of Johnson because the dominant authors of this period were Samuel Johnson and his literary and intellectual circle. This period also produced some of the greatest early novels of the English language, including Richardson's Clarissa (1748) and Henry Fielding's Tom Jones (1749). General vie w of eighteen century:In history English literature the period of over one hundred years from (1660-1789) is variously termed as Augustan Age, Pseudo-classical age or Neo-Classical; Age, and age of Queen Anne. Matthew Arnold as Age of Prose and Reason it is also knows as age of Good Sense, age of Good Taste and age of Right Reason. The term Augustan was chosen by the writers of eighteenth century themselves, who saw in Pope, Addison, Swift, Johnson, Burke, the modern parallels to Horace, Virgil, Cicero and other brilliant writers who made roman literature famous during the reign of Emperor Augustus.Eighteen century is called new Classical age on the account of three reasons: a) The writers of eighteen century tried to follow the noble and simple methods of great ancients like Homer and Virgil that’s why they were called Neoclassicist. b) During eighteen century there was an abundance of literary productions there for critics termed as neoclassical age. c) During this period E nglish rebelled against the exaggerated and fantastic style of writing prevalent during the Elizabethan and Puritan ages and they demanded that Poetry, Drama and Prose should follow exact rules. n this they were influenced by French writers specially Boileau and Rapin. Therefore this period is known as neoclassical age. In eighteen century there was a completion of the reaction against Elizabethan romanticism. This reaction had started in seventeen century with Denham, Waller and Drden. Eighteen Century is the age of social, political, religious and literary controversies. Critical; spirit was aboard and men stop taking things for granted. Great stress was on reason and intellect sin. Notice the difference in age between Franklin and Edwards. 706 for Franklin and 1703 for Edwards. They are only three years apart, but they live in different eras. It was a choice that they made. You can be like Jonathan Edwards even now, and some people are. Ben Franklin is part of new movement, one t hat arises in Europe then moves out from there. This is called the Enlightenment, also known as the Age of Reason or the Neo-Classical Era. – This period goes by the names â€Å"the Enlightenment,†â€Å"the Age of Reason,†and â€Å"the Neo-Classical Age. †      – There was a great turning away from religion as primary way of life. People had been caught up in religious schism and sometimes outright warfare from 1534, the year Henry VIII split away from the Catholic church, until the Glorious Revolution of 1589. England now turned its attention to politics and scientific/logical analysis & reason. – Belief had been based on authority; restoration brought the scientific method. – Scientific method – beliefs should be proven through repeated experiments. Until now, one was to trust the pronouncements of some authority. In religion, you accepted the dictates of the church; in science, you would turn to a r ecognized authority like Aristotle, Ptolemy, etc.Your own experience could mislead you. Chaucer's Wife of Bath trusted experience over authority, but she was wrong to do so. In this era, she would be right. †¢ Copernicus & Galileo trusted their own experience, their observations of the stars, over the authority of Ptolemy. They concluded that the world circled the sun rather than the other way around. †¢ Newton discovered the laws of gravity, motion, & created a new branch of mathematics – calculus. A valid experiment would be repeatable. Thus others who turned telescopes toward the skies should observe the same things Copernicus & Galileo did. people wanted proof; did not want to accept an idea as true just because some person of authority said. The big name for the Enlightenment is Sir Isaac Newton. He discovered gravity; this is the calculus branch of mathematics. Newton was a great thinker. He discovered the idea of gravity that bodies attract to one another bas ed on their mass. He discovered a principle, why things fall to the earth. For Edwards, you fell to the earth because of God. Now we have another explanation, a natural explanation, it is the pull of gravity.In the religion of these people, once you discover the way that the planets move around the sun and the reason of this is gravity, then you eliminate the need for supernatural intervention. In the Ptolemaic system understood by the medieval Christian, angels were responsible for that making the sun, the moon, and the stars go around. Could an angel be up on the moon pushing it? Is there any way to disprove it? It could be possible, we cannot disprove it. Do we really think there are angels? No, because gravity was a sufficient explanation. We do not need the angels anymore; we have gravity now.They could be there but they aren’t necessary. In the idea of cutting away that which is unnecessary, moving from that which is complex to that which is simple in science is not as Occam’s razor. Occam was an English priest and a scientist. Occam’s razor is the idea that you cut away any unneeded part of your hypothesis. The thrust of Enlightenment was to search for natural explanations for things in the scientific method. The idea of supernatural becomes something of a scandal, something of a great difficulty; why would God need to intervene?If Mars was doing loops out there, then God would need to do so, but He made a more simple and elegant system which operates on its own. The universe is like a giant clock and God is the master clock maker. In this period, they loved to make clocks. Clocks were emblematic of the universe. You could tell time by the way the planets move around the sun. They’re only in this position every so many years. Based on that, if you’ve been out time traveling and you come flying into the Solar System, you can take a snapshot of where the planets are and figure out when it is.It moves like a giant clock a nd they were discovering this. These aren’t random or odd motions up in the sky, they are very regular. So God created a world that operates according to laws, natural law. This means that He does not need to intervene. They had their own sort of religious expression. They were called the Deists. Deism is sort of a natural religion. That is it’s based on observation of what we can see. Another element of this Enlightenment is the idea that we should be able to see the evidence for ourselves and judge it for ourselves. A movement away from authority.Before, if you wanted to prove a scientific theory, you would consult Hypocrites and Aristotle. You would put together your quotations, and it’s proven because you quoted the proper authorities. In religious matters, you quote the Bible, and the Bishops, and the theologians, the proper authorities. Now they say move toward your own individual ability. We see that somewhat also in the early stages of the Puritan moveme nt, but this is expressed very differently. If I turn down a light switch, it will turn the light off. If you turn the switch, will it do the same thing?If it is scientifically valid, it is universal; anybody can turn the light off. The one thing an experiment has to be is repeatable. The idea of special revelation goes away. We now have the appeal to general revelation. The goal is to have a religion based on stuff that is accessible to all of us. You don’t have to be in a certain place at a certain time; anybody anywhere can repeat this experiment. Social aspects: There was a rise of a trading community in the early eighteen century England. Most of the traders were Whigs and most of the landed gentry and nobility were Tories.The clash between these two parties was not only political but social two. Eighteen century is known in the social history of England for the rise of the middle classes with the unprecedented rise in trade and comers the English were becoming increasin gly wealthy and many hither to poor people were finding theme selves in the rank of respectable burgesses. These nouveaux riches were desirous of giving themselves and aristocratic touch by appearing to be learned and sophisticated like there traditional social superiors- the landed gentry and nobility.This class of readers had hitherto been neglected by high brow writers. the literary works previous to the eighteen century were almost in variably meant to be the reading of the higher strata of society. Only popular literature such as Ballad, catered for the lower rungs. The up and coming middle classes of the eighteen century demanded some new kind of literature which should be in conformity with there temper and be designed as well to voice there aspirations as to cater for there taste. England was than becoming a country of small and big traders and shop keepers.Some new type of literature of literature was demanded and this new type must expressed the new idle of the eighteen ce ntury, the value and the importance of the individuals life to tell men, not about knights to kings but about themselves, about their own thoughts and motives and struggles and the results of action upon their own characters. Religious aspects: The fact that religion is not only concerned with spirituality and morality but also with physical and psychological health is reflected in the teaching of most religious traditions in the world.Eighteen century was the age of the speared of natural religion or Deism. Deists believed in the existence of God but disbelieved in any revealed religion, not excepting Christianity. Even in religion, reason and nature ruled the roost. People were also talking about†natural morality†the doctrine of the reason loving deists were repudiated by arthropods ethnologists. Characteristics of eighteen century: 1. Reason and rationality 2. Realism and precision 3. Rise of periodical press 4. Rapid development of prose 5. Prosaic poetry 6. August an themes 7. Development of satire 8.Evolution of novel 9. Deficient in drama Reason and rationality: Pope and his followers gave much importance to reason in their modes of thinking and expressing. In the eighteen century reason was exalted. The main characteristic of neoclassical age is a general searching after rationality. This search which started in the age of Dryden culminated in the age of Pope. This reign of reason and common sense continued in to the middle of the century when the new ides and voices appeared and the precursors of the English romantics of the nineteenth century appeared on the scene.Al the important writers of the neoclassical age Swift, Pope and Dr. Johnson glorified reason. Realism and precision: The two main characteristics of the restoration period-Realism and precision were carried to further perfection during eighteen century. They are found in their excellent form in the poetry of Pope who perfected the heroic couplet and in the prose of Addison who developed it into a clear, precise and elegant form of expression. Rise of Periodical press: With the rise of the periodical press in the begging of the eighteen century, the essay took a long stride forward.Addison and Steele wrote social essays, their aim was social reform and to censor the manners and morals of the age, more particularly the frivolities of the female sex. Rapid development of prose: As eighteen century was the age of social, political and literary controversies in which the prominent writers took an active part and the large number of pamphlets, journals and magazines were brought out in order to cater to the growing need of the masters, who had began to read and take interest in these controversial matters.Poetry was considered inadequate for such a task and hence there was a rapid development of prose. Prosaic poetry: Infect poetry also had become prosaic because it was no longer used for lofty and sublime purposes but like prose its subject matter had become criticism , satire, controversy and it was also written in the form of essay which was the common literary form. The chief glory of the age was therefore not poetry but prose. It was the age of satiric and argumentative and reflective poetry. Hardly any lyric or sonnet worth mentioning belongs to the period.There is a growth of artificial poetic diction, and the language of poetry is cut off from the language of everyday use. Artificial themes: The Augustan literature was mainly intellectual and rational, deficient in emotion and imagination. It dealt exclusively with the artificial life of the upper classes of the city of London and its form and diction was as artificial as its theme. It had no feeling for nature and no feeling for those who lived out side the narrow confines of fashion able London society. Development of satire:Satire developed as a form of literature during this age. Mostly prose writers wrote satires on the contemporary issues. The aim was the social reformation and to criticize the attitudes and behaviors of the age. The Whigs and the Torries members of the two important political parties which were constantly contending to control the government of the country- used and rewarded the writers for satirizing their enemies and undermining their reputation. Evolution of novel: New literary form novel was developed.Realism of the age and development of the excellent prose style helped in the evolution of the novel. Between the period (1740 and 1800) novels of all kinds were written. Four main novelists of the eighteen centuries are Richardson, Smollett, Sterne and Fielding. Deficient in drama: Eighteen century was deficient in drama because the old puritanic against the theater continued and the court also withdrew its patronage. Gold Simith and Sheridan were the only writers who produced plays having literary merit. Literary Critics of the age:According to Oxford new English dictionary criticism is defined as†the art of estimating the qualities and character of literary or artistic work†. It also quotes Dryden’s definition of criticism as â€Å"a stander of judging well†. â€Å"Whoever thinks a faultless piece to see, Thinks what ne'er was, nor is, nor e'er shall be. †(From An Essay on Criticism) Three major critics of the neoclassical age are Dryden, Pope, and Johnson. Dryden as a critic: As a student of the principles of criticism, Dryden broke entirely new grounds.He penetrated more deeply then any critic had yet done into the problem of the character of poetry, and the function and meaning of a conscious work of art. In his work we have not only criticism, but criticism becoming conscious of itself, analyzing its objects with sympathy and understanding, and knowing its purpose. He always had an open mid on all literary problems and refused to be influences by the pronouncements of the French critics like Boileau, who were bent on curtailing the freedom of literary composition as we ll as judgment.He found no harm in the mixture of tragedy and comedy which some English dramatists had attempted, nor did he blame the â€Å"variety and copiousness†of the English plays, simply because they did not conform to the French ideal of singleness of plot. Even to Aristotle he refused to render servile obedience. Though living in the age when Aristotle’s theories were widely admired, he had the courage to declare†â€Å"it is not enough that Aristotle had said so, for Aristotle drew his models of tragedy from Sophocles and Euripides; and, if he had seen ours, might have changed his mind. Dryden was the first critic to introduce the nation that literature is an organic force which develops with the development of a nation. It is not a static but dynamic force which expresses the impulse of each new age in a manner suited to its growth, and changes according to the change in the disposition of the people. The critic, therefore, should study the literatur e of an age in the context of its environment, and not follow blindly the rules laid down by the ancient critics like Aristotle.This, no doubt, was a revolutionary development in the field of criticism which in the seventeenth century was dominated by the classical school of critics. Though Dryden expressed his critical opinions in the prefaces to his own literary productions, in critical studies of great writers, as well as in some critical essays as Apology for Heroic Poetry, yet his greatest critical work in his famous. An essay of Dramatic Poesy (1668). It is the most ambitiously constructed critical document of his career and the most important for general literary theory.In his famous Essay,(on Dramatic poesy) Dryden has discussed a number of literary problems, but his main contribution to literary criticism is his further exploration of the principles of imitation and instruction. For Plato the poet’s world being a second-hand imitation of reality was worthless; for Ar istotle the poet could achieve a reality more profound than we meet in ordinary experience, by the proper selection and organization of incident; for Sidney, the poet created a world better than the real world, and thereby exerted an ennobling influence on his readers.None of these critics suggested that there is still another way in which a poet can deal with life, and that is to present it as it is. It was Dryden who made this obvious statement that a play or literature in general is â€Å"a just†or thoughtful image of human life. â€Å"a just and lively image of human nature, representing the passions and humors, and the changes of fortune to which it is subject, for the delight and instruction of making†. His achievement as a critic is, no doubt, considerable; and despite his lack of system, his inconsistencies and digressions, he has something substantial to offer to his own and later ages.He make an effective us of the psychological, comparative and historical m ethods in forming literary judgments. He was the first to point out the facts that time was the final test of literary values, and also to illustrate this doctrine by revealing fresh â€Å"beauties†as three of the greatest English poets – Chaucer, Spenser and Shakespeare. Though the was influenced by the critical doctrines of the ancients, yet he assimilated only those influences which found a response in his own nature and temperament.The secret of Dryden’s greatness as a critic lay in his native sensibility which made him keenly aware of artistic values, and helped him arrive at a dispassionate psychological analysis of those values. His judgment of Shakespeare and Chaucer was based on his own instructive reaction submitted to the test of Nature or reason, rather then on formal rules. It resulted from an imaginative sympathy and not merely from intellect. His criticism of literature was synthetic rather than analytical, and therefore he could view the effects observed with a critical insight which was akin to the creative vision.It helped him penetrate to the heart of things and find meaning and coherence in the multiplicity of those effects. Pope as a Critic: Pope’s major work was a series of four â€Å"Moral Essays†and a work which had nothing to do with satire, the Essay on Man. this last work deals mainly with the place of humankind with respect to the Creator, to his place in Creation, and his happiness. Some of the sentiments (notably those at the beginning of Epistle II) have justly become axiomatic: The Essay on Man was to have formed part of a series of philosophic poems on a systematic plan.The other pieces were to treat of human reason, of the use of learning, wit, education and riches, of civil and ecclesiastical polity, of the character of women Popes next publication was the Essay on Criticism, written two years earlier, and printed without the author’s name. In every work regard the writers end is on e of its sensible precepts, and one that is often neglected by critics of the essay, who comment upon it as if Popes end had been to produce an original and profound treatise on first principles.His Essay on Criticism established Pope as a significant poetic voice. It also prompted the first of many printed, personal attacks. John Dennis, a prominent critic whom Pope ridiculed in the Essay, aimed his venomous response at Pope’s ailing body, his character, and his religious faith. Joseph Addison, on the other hand, praised Pope for both insight and execution, and Samuel Johnson later hailed the poem for exhibiting â€Å"every mode of excellence that can embellish or dignify didactic composition†(Life of Pope).Windsor-Forest, The Rape of the Lock, and The Temple of Fame followed and confirmed Pope’s place among celebrated poets, a place marked again by the publication of The Works of Mr. Alexander Pope. Pope was only 29. The poetic essay was a relatively new genr e, and the â€Å"Essay†itself was Pope's most ambitious work to that time. It was in part an attempt on Pope's part to identify and refine his own positions as poet and critic, and his response to an ongoing critical debate which centered on the question of whether poetry should be â€Å"natural†or written according to predetermined â€Å"artificial†rules inherited from the classical past.His aim was simply to condense, methodize, and give as perfect and novel expression as he could to floating opinions about the poet’s aims and methods, and the critics duties, to what oft was thought, but near so well expressed . The town was interested in belle’s letters, and given to conversing on the subject; Popes essay was simply a brilliant contribution to the fashionable conversation Dr. Samuel Johnson: Samuel was such a dominant literary figure in the second half of the eighteenth century that the period has sometimes been called the Age of Johnson, liv ed most of his adult life in London.Until the crown granted him a pension in 1763, he had to support himself by his literary activity, including major projects such as the Dictionary of the English Language (1755) and his edition of the plays of Shakespeare (1765), as well as periodical essay series such as the Rambler (1750-52) and the Idler (1758-60), other separate publications such as the poem The Vanity of Human Wishes (1749) and the tale Rasselas (1759), and miscellaneous writing, mainly for a variety of periodicals. His last major literary project was the series Lives of the Poets (1779-81). whose still living writings are always ignored, a great honest man who will remain forever a figure of half fun because of the leechlike adoration of the greatest and most ridiculous of all biographers. For it is impossible not to believe that, without Boswell, Johnson for us today would shine like a sun in the heavens whilst Addison sat forgotten in coffee houses. †(from The March of Literature, 1938) – Although best remembered as the compiler of the first comprehensive English dictionary, Dr. Johnson was more than a scholar.Born at Lichfield and educated at Lichfield Grammar School and Pembroke College, Oxford, he moved to London in 1737 with his wife, Tetty, who was twenty years his senior, and began to earn a living as a journalist and critic, whilst working on plays, poetry and biographies. Johnson began A Dictionary of the English Language in 1747, but did not complete it until 1755. It made his name, but not his fortune. Another of his major works, the satire Rasselas (1759), was written specifically to raise money to pay for his mother's funeral.Johnson was at the centre of a literary circle which included such figures as Oliver Goldsmith, Edmund Burke and David Garrick. . Essays on his main works are complemented by thematic discussion of his views on the experience of women in the eighteenth century, politics, imperialism, religion, and trave l as well as by chapters covering his life, conversation, letters, and critical reception. Useful reference features include a chronology and guide to further reading.The keynote to the volume is the seamlessness of Johnson’s life and writing, and the extraordinary humane intelligence he brought to all his activities. Accessibly written by a distinguished group of international scholars, this volume supplies a stimulating range of approaches, making Johnson newly relevant for our time. Despite the consistency of his critical principles, Johnson's criticism is also very sensitive to the special circumstances of its origin. He unashamedly wrote to earn money.The form in which he wrote were those demanded by the occasion, and what he wrote was adapted to what was appropriate for that form. Johnson was willing to recalculate work already on hand, and sometimes this work may seem out of place in its new setting; but when composing he was keenly sensitive to what was appropriate to his present occasion. A reader approaching Johnson's criticism needs to cultivate an understanding of the demands set by each kind of piece that he wrote–prefaces, dedications, lives, notes, reviews, and separate essays.The reader also needs, if possible, to develop some sense of the context of literary discussion Johnson is joining, for although the particular topics he treats may be largely determined by this context, he is often much less explicit than a modern scholar would be about providing references to orient his reader in the controversy. His Shakespeare criticism provides a good example of most of these observations.While we are liable to find anywhere in it those gnomic statements that grow out of a full knowledge of literature and life, without a proper sense of the whole piece in which they occur we will not have a true idea of the weight Johnson intended them to have. Chronology of the writers of the age: Following is the list of the prominent writers of the ag e and their major works. 1. Daniel Defoe(1660-1731) for Robinson Crusoe 2. John Arbuthnot(1667-1735) for History of John Bull 1712 3. Jonathan Swift(1667-1745) for Gulliver’s Travels , A Tale of Tub . Addison(1672-1719) for the Spectator 5. Steele(1672-1729) for The Tatler 6. Alexander Pope(1688-1744) for Dunciad, Rape of The Lock 7. Dr. Johnson(1709-1784) for Preface to Shakespeare, Lives of the Poets 8. Oliver Gold Smith(1730-1774) for The Citizen of The World 9. Charles Churchill(1731-1864) 10. Edmund Burke(1729-1797) Main Novelist of Eighteenth Century: 1. Richardson(1689-1761) for Pamela 2. Fielding(1707-54) for Joseph Andrews 3. Smollett(1721-71) for Roderick Random 4. Sterne(1713_68) for Tristram Shandy
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Business Income and Expenditure Essays
Business Income and Expenditure Essays Business Income and Expenditure Essay Business Income and Expenditure Essay Capital income is the money that is used to set up a business. This money can be sourced from any where such as the before stated. Capital income is most commonly used for acquiring fixed assets; however this money is not used for the constant replacement of equipment or furniture. Excluded is carryover from one year to the next. Owners Investment (Sole Trader): is a business that it is invested by one individual. It is owned by one person, even though there might be several over employees working with them. A sole trader is mainly responsible for everything that happens to the business, for example cleaning the premises checking for health and safety, doing accounts and paying bills tax due in profits. The sole trader can keep profit each year, after paying tax. The money can be maximised by as its owned by one person business should able have to sum amount of money to start up the business. The way they would be getting the money to help them this could be from four different places they are Bank, Friends or Family, Government Grants or even Personal Savings. The reason they should have extra sum of money because to start up business to pay the designer who would build the store and also the ancillary stuff such as pay tills, double glazing windows, security alarms and guards. Owners Investment (Partners): A partnership is a business where two or more people own a company, work together and share the profits or losses to the businesses. Two people working together have many different skills, which can be very cost-effective as people specialise and become more efficient in certain parts of their creative business. One partner might be good at selling work and presenting to clients, while another is better at accounting etc. money can be maximised for partnership is called PLC (private limited company) these companies end their name with letters plc is a limited liability company owned by shareholders. The shares in the company are available publicly for purchase through the stock exchange, or they could borrow money from other different areas such as getting a loan from the bank or getting money from friends or family. Shareholder Investment: A stakeholder is where someone puts money to invest in your business. If you hold just a few shares of stock, your ownership in the company is very small. Because shareholders together own a company, the company strives to deliver shareholder value. In many cases, as a shareholder, you have a right to certain rights such as a right to vote on elections involving the board of directors and the right to share in the companys income. In addition to these rights, shareholders have the potential to profit when the company is successful. Likewise, if the company struggles and make a loss then a profit to the business, the shareholders can lose. It can be maximised as already more people putting into the business and people can put more money into the business to get more shares. Business Angels: is where an individual puts money towards to another business for a period of time in return or later on they would want some share of the business. It is a capital income because the money was put towards for the businesses at the beginning and would still stay within the business from a longer period of time. This can be maximised by putting more money into the business if they do want more involvement towards the business or get more shares. Venture Capitalists: is when you put money into the business from the start its also the same as Business Angels this is known as a capital income as they money has been put from the beginning which means it would stay with business. It can be maximised as more people would want to more shares like for example they would want more then 50% shares to the business so they can much control then others and gain more profit. Loans: This is when an individual ask another individual or banks to borrow some money for a temporary which they have to pay back with interest. As this is a capital income which means as it was given from the start and will continue throughout the year as they would have to pay back on whoever they borrowed money from. This can be minimized as they could ask for a lower interest or also they could also can ask them for a extended payment even though it may take longer period of time to pay the bank back. Also some bankers may not lend out money as they opening up a business newly they may worry businesses might able to pay back the money on time. So they check the credit history if they have good report they may able to give out as much loan as they can could trust them to pay back within the limited time. Mortgages: A mortgage is where the bank pays for a property or building as businesses may not able to pay straight away. This means is a loan, secured by a property/house which they have to pay the banks in instalments over a set period of time. They could ask for a low interest rate or even could ask them for an extended time to pay back, however if they dont pay back the instalments this could led bailiffs to come around may have to take valuable supplies from the business if still they cannot pay back within the time given then this would mean they may have to take back the property away from them meaning the business would be closed down. Capital Expenditure Capital expenditure is the money that is going out of the business over a number of years. A capital expenditure is incurred when a business spends money either to buy fixed assets or to add to the value of an existing fixed asset with a useful life that extends beyond the taxable year. Capex are used by a company to acquire or upgrade physical assets such as equipment, property, or industrial buildings. Fixed Assets Fixed asset, also known as a non-current asset or as property, plant, and equipment (PP;E), is a term used in accounting for assets and property which cannot easily be converted into cash. This can be compared with current assets such as cash or bank accounts, which are described as liquid assets. In most cases, only tangible assets are referred to as fixed. Building: A Building can be used for many things such as, renting a room, apartment or a building. As people might open up a business for the first time they may not usually buy the building or take a mortgage out as they just opened up a business its more easier if they rented the place out. It is classified as Capital Expenditure as this is because the money is going into the business for the mortgage which takes up to 25years to pay back the bank. It is better and easier for the businesses if they rent out a property rather then buying building instead of mortgaging it out as this is because if they business do not do well and become bust they may not able to pay back the mortgage which then would lead to more debt as where if they rented it out they could easily pay it by end of the month which couldnt cost much. Vehicles: many businesses have vehicles for their businesses it is mainly used for a delivery or a pick up; this can be a motorbike, car or van. As its a Capital Expenditure this is because the money comes out towards the business as its used for a longer period of time which would help them in a long term basics. As having a vehicle its not that important to the business unless its a major big company to have a company vehicle or other then that it would be wasting money to have a company vehicle. Equipment: when businesses open up a new business they would need to get all the equipment and also through while running the business in between. This could include stock hangers if its a retail clothing shop they would need to buy hangers now and then as they need to display clothings and also paper and pens which they could pay out monthly . As its known as a capital expenditure for that reason they dont need to purchase so many all in one go they could get it by monthly as this is more efficient and cheaper. If they do want to budget their equipment they could get a different supplier who is cheaper to the current one. Land: Land a premise is for businesses would buy based on number of acres where they can build a building or property on top as its their own land. As your buying the land it is quite expensive rather then buying just a property. As for example if you are buying near a rich or a wealthy area then your chances of paying of for it. It is known as a capital expenditure because the money your are paying for the land is for improvements as the payment for the land comes every month. Intangible Assets: these are the assets that cannot be touched physically as this is because its protected by the law such as: Goodwill: this means when a business has done something good within the organisation for the environment for example if they are selling things which are recyclable. As businesses know that they have done good things and therefore they would want to sell the products then this could mean its would sell and make profit because people purchase something that they know would benefit the environment. So whoever buys the goodwill would worth more then without the goodwill. Copyright / Patents: this just have that because they do not want their ideas to be stolen or used from other businesses so they protect it by copyright. If their ideas does get stolen this would be illegal as they paid for their ideas to be protected and not to be used from any other businesses as they could get sued. Trademark is a word, symbol, phrase or device which identifies a particular company or individual. There are many types of bottles used to contain soft drinks, for example, but only one with the distinctive logo and design of Coca-Cola. Each element of a Coca-Cola bottle- the shape, red imprint and name-could be considered a trademark of the Coca-Cola Company. Because all of these elements have been legally registered with the United Kingdom Patent and Trademark Office, no other soft drink company can create a similar trademark. The best trademark is easily recognised in the Market as people would know they are a trustworthy company and the products they buy is reliable and good quality at all times. Revenue Income (Day-to-day): where the money comes into the business day to day basics. The money can come to the business such as: Credit Sale: is when a customer purchases a product or service with a credit card. However this may take up to 30days to come through. It is the same procedure when the business buys from their suppliers as they would still have money on their account for another month after it has been paid for. It is categorised as a Revenue Income as this is because it takes longer to go to the business however there is still money coming through the business. Cash Sales; is when the customer purchase something with cash in hand as this means it gets paid straight away. As the business gets cash everyday because most customers are purchasing from there by cash. It is known as Revenue Income because the money is coming into the business day to day so they money comes through right away. Rent Received; is when you they take out a building they dont really need to use it but they would have someone else to rent the place out but business would get the money. This is known as a Revenue income because they money that is coming into the business in a day to day basics so the money is used every month so this would help the business make money out of it. If they want to make more money they could get more tenants to rent out the place or could increase the amount which would be paid monthly. Commission Received: is when a business has a system of payment when business are successful in exchanging goods of services to another business. So if they sell an product from another business, then they will get a certain percentage of the profit or an agreed amount. Discounts: is when the business reducing the selling price of goods as for example when they have with a supplier and with the business for quite some time, the supplier can take a small fraction off the cost as this is because the business have been a long term customer from the same suppliers. This is as revenue income because they are not spending or taking out much money out the business they used to spend so they will be saving money for the business, also when they sell that stock, they would be getting much more money than this would mean its going to give them a profit at the end. Revenue Expenditure: This is money coming out of a business on a day to day basis. Routine repairs are revenue expenditures because they are charged directly to an account such as Repairs and Maintenance Expense. Rent/Rates: Businesses would rent or rate to a building as its because they just started up a business they probably would prefer pay it separate monthly as they cant afford to pay all altogether upfront. This is known as a Revenue Expenditure as this is because money is taking out from the business time to time basics which would benefit in the long term as they paying for the place they have rented out for the business. Utility Bills: is when business would have to pay for their utility bills this includes things such as heat, light, water, gas etc. They would have to pay month to month basis which depends on how much they are using as they are not fixed costs. This is known as a Revenue Expenditure because the money is coming out from the business to day to day basics so they can pay of the bills end of the month. For not to pay so much they should may start thinking how less they can use it because as its not a fixed asset then money would rise or low depends on how much they use, or if sometimes they may not known how much that they have used a lot which would mean they would have to pay going to be an expensive, in order it that doesnt happen they would need to make sure they dont use it much. Admin Costs: business would have to pay for their admin costs this includes; postage, printing and stationary. The money they would be spending is actually depending on how much or amount they are buying for the products. It is as revenue expenditure because the money is coming out from the business in a day to day basis. They could reduce the quantity they do spend on which is by buying less and also they could start recycling things that they could use again as papers. Staff (Wages, Training, Insurance etc.): the business would have to pay for their staff, such as Staff Wages which is very important, if they dont pay their staff wage it can affect employee performance and loyalty and they might not have employers at the end so would have to make sure they can pay off their staff. Also they give the cost for their training if it is needed. Its revenue expenditure as this is because it is money coming out of the business on a day to day basis as their staff get paid monthly, also they would have to pay for their training. If business do not want to spend much money on wages, they could less their pay or have less staff work for them. As they do not have to re train all their staff, they could train only for the more important roles, and then from this could save the business a lot of money. Selling costs (Transport, Advertising, and Research): Business need to advertise so customers can be aware of their business from other towns, by doing that they would have to spend money everyday on advertising and research. It is revenue expenditure as this is because the money is coming out from the business on selling costs and it is also expensive to advertise for your business. In order to save money they really do need to advertise as they just opened their business for the first time as they cant afford for expensive advertisement just yet. Interest from Bank: is when a business loans money from the bank, they would want the money back but this would include with interest, this could be difficult for the business to pay back the bank straight away so they could ask the bank to give them extra time to pay back the loan, however this is leading to an disadvantage because for if they dont pay back the money this could lead to interest will be added on the total. It is best ideal ting to do when its a new business to ask for a loan from the bank because this could lead bankrupt and loss a lot of money. Cash Purchase of Stock: Cash sales is when the business purchases and pays for their products to their suppliers. This is when business pays the money to their suppliers straight away. It is revenue expenditure as because it is money out of the business on a day to day basis so which means the money gets paid to their supplier quickly as possible. Credit Purchase of Stock: when a business purchases products from their suppliers, so they would still have the money on their account for another month after they have brought stocks from credit card. It is known as revenue expenditure because the money will be coming out of the business from a day to day basis yet its going to take quite some time for the money to go through. Business may need to be careful on how they use their credit card even though money is still in the account they would have to make sure they dont spend anymore which they have to be careful they dont go overdraft which means they would be charge interest from their credit card. Well the difference between Capital income and Capital Expenditure is Capital income money which is coming towards the business which is paid directly where it can be used within number of years, where for Capital Expenditure the money is going out from the business throughout number of years. The difference between Revenue Income and Revenue Expenditure is that Revenue Income is coming through the business on a day to day basics and whereas Revenue Expenditure money is going out from the business through day to day basics.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Gregory Jarvis, Challenger Astronaut
Gregory Jarvis, Challenger Astronaut Gregory Bruce Jarvis was an American astronaut who brought an extensive background as an engineer to his work with NASA. He died in the Challenger disaster on January 28, 1986, on his first and only trip to space. Fast Facts: Gregory Jarvis Born: August 24, 1944 in Detroit, MichiganDied: January 28, 1986 in Cape Canaveral, FloridaParents: A. Bruce Jarvis and Lucille Ladd (divorced)Spouse: Marcia Jarboe Jarvis, married June 1968Education: B.S. degree from the State University of New York at Buffalo and M.S. degree from Northeastern University, both in electrical engineeringMilitary Career: United States Air Force 1969-73Work: Hughes Aircraft from 1973 to 1986, selected as an astronaut candidate in 1984 Early Life Gregory Bruce Jarvis was born in Detroit, Michigan, on August 24, 1944. Growing up, he was heavily involved with a variety of sports and was also a classical guitarist. His father, Greg Jarvis, and mother, Lucille Ladd, divorced when he was in college at the State University of New York. He studied electrical engineering and received his bachelors degree in 1967. He then pursued a Masters degree in Electrical Engineering at Northeastern. After graduation, he served in the Air Force for four years, attaining the rank of captain. Work at Hughes Aircraft In 1973, Jarvis joined Hughes Aircraft Company, where he worked as an engineer on various satellite programs. Over the next few years, he served as an engineer for the MARISAT Program, which consisted of a set of maritime communications satellites. He then went on to work on communications systems for military use before joining the Advanced Program Laboratory to work on the LEASAT systems. The technology provided synchronous communications for a variety of applications. In 1984, Jarvis, along with 600 other Hughes engineers, applied to become payload specialists for NASA flights. Work With NASA Gregory Jarvis was accepted for training by NASA in 1984. He was listed as a payload specialist, a category including people trained by commercial or research institutions to do specific space shuttle flights. His main interest was the effect of weightlessness on fluids. Jarvis was put on flight status and slated to go into space in 1985. However, his place was taken by Jake Garn, a U.S. senator who wanted to fly into space. Another senator, Bill Nelson, stepped in and also wanted to fly, so Jarvis flight was postponed until 1986. Jarvis was assigned as a payload specialist on STS-51L aboard the Challenger shuttle. It would be the 25th shuttle mission carried out by NASA and included the first teacher in space, Christa McAuliffe. Jarvis was tasked to study fluids in space, in particular, the effects on liquid-fueled rockets, as part of a fluid dynamics experiment. His specific duties were to test the reaction of satellite propellants to shuttle maneuvers. Gregory B. Jarvis during training for his shuttle mission. NASA For 51L, Challenger carried a tracking and data relay satellite (TDRS), as well as the Spartan Halley shuttle-pointed tool for astronomy. Jarvis and the others would be responsible for their deployment, while colleague Christa McAuliffe would teach lessons from space and attend to a set of student experiments carried into space aboard the shuttle. Although not specifically in the mission plan, astronaut Ronald McNair had brought along his saxophone and had planned to play a short concert from space. The Challenger Disaster The space shuttle Challenger was destroyed in an explosion 73 seconds after launch on January 28, 1986. In addition to Gregory Jarvis, crew members Christa McAuliffe, Ron McNair, Ellison Onizuka, Judith A. Resnik, Dick Scobee, and Michael J. Smith were killed in the disaster. After Jarvis remains were recovered, he was cremated and scattered at sea by his widow, Marcia Jarboe Jarvis.  Personal Life Gregory Jarvis married Marcia Jarboe in 1968 after they had met in college. They were active in sports, particularly long-distance cycling. They had no children. Marcia worked as a dental assistant. Honors and Awards Gregory Jarvis was awarded the Congressional Space Medal of Honor posthumously. There is an engineering building at the State University of New York, Buffalo, named for him, as well as a dam in New York state. Jarvis, along with other crew members, was the subject of a film called Beyond the Stars and a documentary called For All Mankind, dedicated to the sacrifice made by the Challenger crew. Sources â€Å"Gregory B. Jarvis.†The Astronauts Memorial Foundation,,, J.D. â€Å"Gregory Jarvis - Challenger Memorial on Sea and Sky.†Sea and Sky - Explore the Oceans Below and the Universe Above,, Jon. â€Å"GREGORY JARVIS.†The New York Times, The New York Times, 10 Feb. 1986,
Saturday, November 2, 2019
THE CURRENT POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EUROPE AND CHINA - Essay Example During the Cold War Era, China was the largest and most powerful ally of the Soviet Union and the EU was the largest and most powerful ally of the US during the Cold War Era. What makes these alliances all the more important and interesting is the fact that the US and the USSR were divided in terms of political ideologies. The US represented capitalism and the USSR represented Socialism. With the collapse of the USSR in the late 1980s, China did not take over the role of successor to the USSR in leading the charge against capitalism, but demonstrated a desire to buy into capitalism to a certain extent. That China would remain committed to its Socialist system and embrace change with the aid of capitalist powers such as the EU is an enigma. The EU’s role in the strategic partnership is also interesting. The EU represents and promotes international standards for human rights protection and is at odds with the standard of human rights protection in China. Moreover, the EU imposed an armed embargo on China in the 1980s, just after signing a trade agreement with China. Yet the EU has been able to form a strategic partnership with China that appears to have strengthened over the years. Therefore studying the political and economic features of the relationship between China and the EU provides interesting insights into the politics and economics of bilateralism and multilateralism. The current political and economic relationship between China and the EU is contained in a strategic partnership which was announced in 2003. The strategic partnership arose out of Communications by the European Council in 1998 and 2001both of which addressed the shortcomings in a purely economic relationship in the trade agreement between the two in 1985. Although some scholars have criticized the strategic partnership between the EU and China on the grounds that it is unclear, the relationship has survived for more than a decade. Both the EU and China have expressed satisfaction wi th the political and economic gains enabled by the strategic partnership. This research report collects reports in the literature that shed light on the strategic partnership and demonstrates that, despite its problems, it has provided both the EU and China with economic and political benefits. These political and economic benefits appear to offset any differences between the two: the EU’s dissatisfaction with China’s human rights standards and China’s dissatisfaction with the EU’s attempt to interfere with the internal affairs of China. Annotated Bibliography Algieri, F. (2002). â€Å"EU Economic Relations with China: An Institutionalist Perspective.†In Edmonds, R. L. (Ed.) China and Europe Since 1978: A European Perspective. The China Quarterly Special Issues, New Series, No. 2. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Algieri’s (2002) chapter which appears in a book on China and Europe’s relationship since 1978 provides detailed insight into the various agreements between the two and communications by the European Council on the changes that took place. Algieri’s (2002) account only goes as far as the 2001 Communication by the European Council, but does provide important background information for further research into this developing relationship. Algieri (2002) makes sense of
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